Transaction Lifecycle on Tuna Chain

  1. Transaction Receipt and Ordering:

Incoming transactions on Tuna Chain are meticulously arranged in a first-in-first-out sequence, ensuring a systematic flow of data.

  1. Transaction Processing and Soft Confirmation:

Ordered transactions undergo processing within the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). Following execution, a transaction receipt is generated for the client. This receipt serves as an initial confirmation, backed by a signed signature, offering a reliable indication of transaction progress.

  1. Posting Transaction Data to the Data Availability Layer:

The outcomes of executed transactions are transmitted to the Data Availability layer, known as Celestia in our infrastructure. Posting a transaction to this layer signifies its secure and confirmed status.

  1. State Finalisation on Bitcoin:

Upon successful posting of transaction data for a block to the Data Availability layer, the corresponding state update is also recorded on the Bitcoin blockchain. This step solidifies the state of the network.

  1. Verifiers' Data Monitoring and Replication:

Verifiers play a pivotal role in the ecosystem, subscribing to both the validator and Data Availability layers. They actively gather transaction data, which is used for the meticulous replication of the network's state.

  1. Consistency Verification by Verifiers:

Verifiers engage in a critical task by comparing their replicated state with the state recorded on-chain. This diligent comparison ensures data consistency. In cases of discrepancies, verifiers promptly submit fraud proofs, upholding the integrity and security of the network.

Last updated